Stefania Pinsone
Represented artist
Painter of the new cartography and narrative of the human psyche:
combining figurative and abstract, ancient and contemporary and the use of new three-dimensional materials to explore the brain mechanics and rediscover the classical beauty.
Advanced engineering experimentation for 3D printing and interior design
Stefania Pinsone is an Award-winning artist (CulturGo ARTS AWARDS LUGANO, ottobre 2022, and EWAL Premier Art Award London 2019 Top Prize winner: awarded by the head judge Professor Emeritus Dan Fern at the Royal College of Art of London), and internationally recognized also for the presence in important private collections. Her exhibitions have been held in German-speaking Switzerland and abroad, among others in London, Munich, Berlin, Milan, Rome, Kyoto. Her work is characterized by a powerful personal pictorial style that combines figurativeness and abstraction, ancient and contemporary, exploring the human psyche and its perceptive dialectic with society and its symbols.
Stefania Pinsone was born and raised in Rome, she holds an MFA degree and a MA in Art History. After some years of professional artistic work - mainly in Rome and Milan - and a long period of art teaching in high schools in Rome, in 2009 she moved to the Basel area in Switzerland starting an international activity. Her artworks were published in the Art book: International art today – 2016 and 2017, curated by Dr. Ingrid Gardill. Published also in the autumn and winter 2020 editions of House & Garden, Tatler, GQ and Vogue (The Condé Nast Publications Ltd, Vogue House London) and in "CelebreMagazine World", printing edition of May 2022 (MB Media consulting, CH). Also published in Art Collection - Artists of Italy and Switzerland – 9. 10., 2023-2024. Orizzonte Italia Arte, Contemporary Art Collection (Reprint editions S.r.l. Cittaducale (IT))
She has received in 2019 the recognition certificate by the Ambassador of Italy to Switzerland, H. E. Silvio Mignano for being the best expat Italian talent in her field. Since 2023 she is represented by the art Gallery "Filoarte" in Locarno

2025 Lezioni di storia dell'arte presso la galleria Filoarte a Locarno: "Storia e Arte in 20 opere. Sulla grandezza e miseria umana"
22 Gennaio - 2 Aprile (CH)
2024 Personal exhibition in the Art Gallery Filoarte Locarno, 16 March - 15 Agosto (CH)
Collective exhibition at Villa Borromeo d'Adda in Arcore, on the occasion of the "Art Collection - Artists of Italy and Switzerland – 10", with the collaboration of the "Filoarte" gallery and with the publication of the paper catalogue. 14-29 September (IT)
2023 Represented by the Art gallery Filoarte (Locarno)
Personal exhibition in “Fondazione Majid”, Ascona, 14 February – 30 April (CH)
Interview in the public television RSI (CH), broadcasted at 25.02.2023.
2022 Awarded in the Art competition "CulturGo ARTS AWARDS LUGANO", 07.10.2022 (CH)
Appointed as Marketing director and judge for "EWAAC", company based in London
Published review in "CelebreMagazine World", printing edition of May (MB Media consulting, CH)
2021 Personal exhibition in the art gallery Art Gallery "Arting 159" Via Marsala 1, Milano (IT)
2020 Personal exhibition in the art gallery "GH36",12 -22 September 2020, during the Berlin art week, Co-curator Dr. Lily Fürstenow (Grosse Hamburger Str. 36, Mitte 10115), Berlin (D).
2019 Premier Art Award Exhibition London 2019 Top Prize winner (10/31/19), head juror: professor emeritus Dan Fern at the Royal College of Art of London. La Galleria Pall Mall, London
Personal Exhibition at R4L art Gallery Nov.-Dec, Seon (CH)
Selected artist for the "Director's choice" in ArtMuc, October, Munich
Consignment of the recognition certificate by the Ambassador of Italy to Switzerland, H. E. Silvio Mignano, and the Italian Consul in Basel, Pietro Maria Paolucci during the 1st Edition of the "Young Italian Talent Day in Switzerland" (5 October, CH)
When art meets jewellery: Brahmfeld & Gutruf. org. by, Sept-Oct., Hamburg
Duo Exhibition at Posk Gallery, 26 - 31 August, London
Platform for emerging artist #22, selected for exhibition in Leyden Gallery, 13-25 May, London
London-Kyoto FAPDA Award, winner in art print category, exhibition in Be Gallery, May, Kyoto
2018 Winner in the London - Kyoto FAPDA Award 2019. Prize in the Art print category: Exhibition in Kyoto (Japan) in May 2019
Selected artist for the "director's choice" in ArtMuc, 8-11 November, Praterinsel Booth H3 12 Munich (DE)
The Discovery Art Fair, 1 - 4 November 2018, with Parcus Gallery, Booth G 17, Frankfurt (De)
Gallery representation, Parcus art Gallery, Berlin (DE)
Winner of "O.R.A. prize, 7th edition 2017-18. "O.R.A prize" awards winner artists with a personal exhibition held in art galleries in Italy
Selected artist for the exhibition in Klosterhotel Kreuz, Mariastein "As if it were a miracle" 05.05 - 31.10, Basel (CH)
Graphic designer at IES ltd from January, Basel (CH)
„Grand Salon 2018“, Villa Berberich, 13.01. – 18.02, Bad Säckingen (D)
Published article with a personal review in the German newspaper : "Badischer Zeitung": "Der vierte Grand Salon in Bad Säckingen zeigt klassische und experimentelle Bilder und Skulpturen". So, 14. Januar 2018 in Kultur.
Selected artist for the exhibition in Klosterhotel Kreuz, Marienstein "As if it were a miracle" 05.05 - 31.10, Basel (CH)
Graphic designer at IES ltd, development of anniversary logo and wall poster, from January, Basel (CH)
2017 Personal review in the printed cultural magazine “Minetta Review” – Art, Fall 2017, New York city, USA
Exhibition in the public museum, "Wanlin Art Museum" (万林艺术博物馆) - Wuhan
HUBEI ART FESTIVAL November 2017, China
Exhibition in the art Fair “Arte Binningen 2017” (10 – 19 November 2017), Basel, Switzerland
Selected finalist artist at EWAAC 2017 (EAST WEST ART AWARD COMPETITION- London) in the category painting, exhibition and awarding in the Pall Mall Gallery, 18 - 22 October 2017, London, England
Selected artist for EWAAC-Artist in Residence in UK 2017 with final exhibition in Posk gallery in London (7-11 August 2017). Residence in Bedford University (29 July -12 August 2017) and Artlink premium membership (representation in Japan).
Selected artist for Personal Exhibition at Onepeak Hubei Culture Media Co., Ltd., TS1 Gallery, Hongshan District of Wuhan City, Hubei Province, and Shanghai, (2017-2018), with the agency Amalart S.r.l. First exhibition in Wuhan, 10.5-10.6.17 China
Artworks featured in “Average Art Magazine”, London, in the December 2016, January, February, March, April and May 2017 issues (Cottage industry Press)
Elected as head of the jury at “Arte Binningen 2017” art fair, Basel, Switzerland
Nominated candidate artist for "Ashurst Emerging Artist Prize 2017", London 31 December 2017
2016 “AAF, Affordable Art Fair”, with Galerìa Gaudì (exhibition with 4 artworks), 26–29 February, Brussels
Representation at Atkinson Collection Gallery, Chicago, IL, United States
Personal Exhibition in Centrepoint, Lohnhof, April-July, Basel
“Modern Woman In Art”, International Exhibition for modern and current art, Basel Art Center, 27-29 June, Basel
LISTE 21/Art Basel - art fair, represented by Kaskadekondensator & Dr. Kuckucks Labrador, 14-19 June, Basel
Representation at Le Dame Art Gallery, June-December, London, UK
Awarded artist at EWAAC 2016 (EAST WEST ART AWARD COMPETITION- London) in the category painting, with the Encouragement Price; exhibition in London: La Galleria Pall Mall, 18 - 22 October 2016
“Seeking Peace: Figurative or Abstract Art?”, international collective exhibition in Basel Art Center , Curated by prof. Antonio Russo, 9-11
2015 “Hiver 15” collective exhibition, Place Suisse des Arts, January, Lausanne
Double exhibition in the art Gallery Haus am Bach, April, Sissach (CH)
“Kölner LISTE” art fair, with A-Space gallery 15–19 April, Cologne
Solo Exhibition with catalogue, Art & Context 101, Art Gallery, curated by Dr. Bernard Reuter, October-November, Basel
“Satellit 15”, collective exhibition with SGBK Basel, November, Liestal (CH), in collaboration with “Kultur Nacht Liestal”
Personal Exhibition in the Town Hall of the town Lausen (CH), December
2014 “Under One Roof” collective exhibition, Gum Gallery, May, Moscow
“Cutlog NY” Art Fair, May, New York
“Frisch Gestrichen” double exhibition, Galerie Eulenspiegel, Aug.-Sept., Basel
“Copenhagen Art Contemporary art fair”, September, Copenhagen
2013 “Sommerausstellung” collective exhibition, Galerie Schöneck, Riehen, Basel
“Selection” collective exhibition, Galerie Schöneck, Riehen, Basel
2004 “Collocazioni domestiche: percorsi urbani” collective exhibition. Show Room SMIT, curated by B. Martusciello, Rome
2003 “Blerò” Personal Exhibition. Fondazione Katinca Prini and Contini Gallery, curated by A. Contini, Bardonecchia (IT)
2002 “Nuovo Quadro Contemporaneo” collective exhibition. Palazzo Cedir, Reggio Calabria
2001 “Hellzapoppin” collective exhibition. Galleria d’Arte Mascherino, curated by S. Dello Schiavo und A. Gianvenuti, Rome
“Match” collective exhibition. Galleria d’Arte F. Russo, Rome
2000 Collective Exhibition. Galleria Comunale d’Arte Moderna e Contemporanea di Roma, curated by “Mecenate 90”
1999 Personal Exhibition. Studio D’Arte Cannaviello, curated by E. Cannaviello, Milano
1998 Personal Exhibition, with catalogue, Galleria d’Arte Mascherino, curated by G. Marziani, Rome
High School: Pedagogical School San Sisto Vecchio, Roma, 1990
Diploma in visual arts. Accademia di Belle Arti di Roma, 1997
Certificate: qualification as a high school teacher in art history and drawing, 2000
University Diploma: Bachelor course in Cultural Services, Università degli Studi di Firenze, 2004
Degree in Art History, M.A. with honors, Università degli Studi di Roma Tor Vergata, 2007
Scholarship "ADISU" for the Academy of fine arts awarded top marks, 1997
Study Scholarship at the University of Tor Vergata for the academic years 2005/07
"Sant’Urbano alla Caffarella: nuove indagini e scoperte", Rivista dell’Istituto Nazionale d’Archeologia e Storia dell’Arte, no. 59, 2010
"Stefania Pinsone", Catalogue for the personal exhibition, curated by G. Marziani, Rome, 1998
"Violence and Perception", Catalogue for the personal exhibition, curated by Dr. B. Reuter, Basel, 2015
Inclusion in the art book: "Internationale Kunst heute" ("International Art Today"), 2016 and 2017, curated by Dr. Ingrid Gardill, (May 2016, May 2017), selected for 2018. IKH-Publishing Martina Kolle -
Review in International art today 2017 by Ingrid Gardill:
Stefania Pinsone combines the classical painting of the art academy with the digital age. Her special style of digital painting (see Internationale Kunst Heute 2016) has developed further. In her new series, she experiments with black acrylic glass as a painting as background, on which the shapes without a spatial background appear like cut with a snipping tool. In addition, the black looks like that of a screen, which brings the painting closer to the digital one. This is particularly evident in the “Neon scorpion” painted with fluorescent acrylic colors, over which the artist places a blue fluorescent acrylic glass. Both of these bring out the figure in a particular plastic manner and at the same time they appear to be seen like through an artificial screen effect. "Fire burns brighter in the dark" gives the impression that the flickering fire is shown on a video recording. Pinsone paints the acrylic image deliberately with visible stripes and pixels and covers it with a transparent glass pane. Thus the blazing of the fire penetrates vividly and vividly. The portrait format is based on the famous picture by Gerhard Richter. This shows the profile of his reading wife, while the reading light gently recalls from behind. His recollections of the "Book Reader in the Open Window" by Jan Vermeer from 1657 have been discussed many times. Pinsone transfers the well-known motive into the present time; If Richter still uses the polaroid photo as a template, Pinsone takes the digital image with its special resolution. For this purpose, her contemporary reader is immersed in a self-luminous, digital device which, coming from the black, radiates her face directly. Thus, the artist succeeded in transforming an icon of the art world into the digital world in an impressive and original way”